Tag: Dental Exams

Is Peptide Bad for My Teeth
Dental CareDental FactsPeptide ProductsWest Hartford Dentists

Can Peptide-Based Products Prevent Cavities?

Can Peptide-Based Products Prevent Cavities? Earlier this year, the University of Washington released a study on peptide-based dental products, the predicted value of such products, ...
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Dental Myths and Facts
Dental CareDental FactsDental MythsTeeth CareWest Hartford Dentists

Debunking Common Myths in Dental Hygiene

We all want the best dental care for ourselves. Part of achieving that means having the right information about how to take care of our ...
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Foods for healthy teeth
CareDental CareFoodTeeth CareWest Hartford Dentists

Foods that Support Dental Health

When most people think of “dieting” they think of things like waistline, thighs, arms or belly – but did you know that the foods you ...
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Revolution of Dentists, Modern Methods
CareComfortDental CareModernToothbrushWest Hartford Dentists

Revolutionary Changes in Modern Dental Care

Revolutionary Changes in Modern Dental Care Imagine going to the dentist for a toothache, most likely caused by a cavity, and being told the only ...
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West Hardford Dentist Helping With Fear
CareComfortOral PainToothacheWest Hartford Dentists

Why Do We Fear the Dental Chair

Why Do We Fear the Dental Chair? “Boy, I just can’t WAIT to see my dentist!” – said no one, ever. Most people are more ...
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How Often Should I Get a Dental Exam?
Clean TeethDental CareDr. Tori SaferinPreventative CareWest Hartford Dentists

How Often Should I Get a Dental Exam?

We want to take good care of our teeth. That goes without saying. We’ve only got the one set for the rest of our lives, ...
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Dental CareRoot CanalTooth ExtractionsWest Hartford Dentists

Do You Need a Root Canal or Tooth Extraction

Do You Need a Root Canal or Tooth Extraction? Though you may not think about it all the time, you depend upon your mouth working ...
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Plaque build up on teeth
BacteriaCavitiesFlossingOral HealthPlaquePreventative CareTooth DecayWest Hartford Dentists

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Nightly Tooth Brushing

At the end of a long day, when you’ve finally climbed into bed and begun to relax, the last thing you want to do is ...
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Chipped Tooth
Chipped TeethDental CareTooth DamageWest Hartford Dentists

Chipped Teeth: Your Dental Repair Options

There are many things in your life that you become so familiar with seeing, hearing or touching on a regular basis that you don’t particularly ...
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A Woman with Discolored Teeth and a Oral Cancer Lesion
Bad BreathClean TeethDry MouthGum DiseaseOral CancerOral HealthTooth DecayWest Hartford Dentists

How Tobacco Affects Oral Health

Maintaining your oral health is far less difficult, time-consuming or expensive than restoring your oral health after something has adversely affected it. This is why ...
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Smiling Man in a Chair Waiting for a Dental Checkup
Dental ExamsHigh Quality DentistOral HealthOral PainWest Hartford Dentists

Top Reasons to Visit the Dentist

It can often be difficult to remember that you need to visit the dentist regularly, especially if you are experiencing no oral discomfort or if ...
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Man in Pain Holding His Jaw
BleedingOral HealthOral PainToothacheWest Hartford Dentists

Common Types and Causes of Dental Pain

Like many other things we use constantly throughout our day, we tend to take our mouth, and everything in it, for granted. We strive to ...
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