Category: Teeth Care

Flipper dentures with Dr. Saferin, in bestsmiles Dentist west hartford, CT
West Hartford Dentists

Flipper Dentures

It is never comfortable, convenient or pleasant to lose any of your teeth, whether to injury or decay, but losing a front tooth is the ...
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Why flossingh is important by Dr. Saferin, in bestsmiles Dentist west hartford, CT
FlossingWest Hartford Dentists

Why Flossing is so Important

While many people usually discover that brushing their teeth is an easy habit to develop and maintain, few people take to regularly flossing their teeth. ...
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Noah Webster Memorial Library and statue West-Hertford, CT, for best smiles dentist
West Hartford Dentists

About West Hartford, CT

Located immediately west of the Connecticut capitol of Hartford lies West Hartford, a small, affluent city that has earned a reputation as one of America’s ...
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Taking care and understand dentistry with Dr. Saferin, in bestsmiles Dentist west hartford, CT
West Hartford Dentists

Comprehensive Dentistry

Obviously, just because a dentist is able to successfully resolve any sort of dental health issue that can potentially arise does not mean that their ...
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Chosing an electric toothbrush with Dr. Saferin, in bestsmiles Dentist west hartford, CT
West Hartford Dentists

Advantages of Electric Toothbrushes

You have probably heard time and time again how important it is to take proper care of your teeth with twice daily brushing and once ...
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Taking care of bad breath with Dr. Saferin, in bestsmiles Dentist west hartford, CT
Bad BreathWest Hartford Dentists

How Can I Get Rid of Bad Breath?

There may be few things that are more awkward or embarrassing than bad breath–especially since not many people feel comfortable speaking up to tell you ...
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GumsWest Hartford Dentists

Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

There are many things that can occur as part of normal oral health, but may cause us concern if we are well informed about them. ...
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FoodWest Hartford Dentists

Foods That Can Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

It’s no surprise that most individuals are fairly critical about the appearance of their mouth and are interested in improving it in some way. When ...
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Teeth CareWest Hartford Dentists

Tips for Taking Proper Care of Your Teeth

Proper tooth care is essential to your oral health, which in turn is essential for a great smile, pleasant breath, healthy gums and a healthy ...
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HeadachesWest Hartford Dentists

Preventing Migraine Headaches

Preventing Migraine Headaches While there really is no “desirable” type of headache, there is also no doubt that some headaches are far more unpleasant than ...
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Tooth Implant, Dr. Saferin, in bestsmiles Dentist west hartford, CT
Tooth ImplantsWest Hartford Dentists

Tooth Implants

Protecting your oral health involves taking very good care of your teeth and gum tissues, and avoiding those things that can cause injury or damage. ...
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Dental Bridges, Dr. Saferin, in bestsmiles Dentist west hartford, CT
BridgesWest Hartford Dentists

Dental Bridges

Losing any amount of teeth–whether it’s due to decay, damage or some other reason–can be incredibly disheartening, especially if one takes great care in protecting ...
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